Trust & SecurityTrust & Security

Trust & Security

We verify and authenticate all profiles so that we weed the creepy out.

We won't introduce you to any random people, especially since we know how shady dating sites can be. That's why we ask so many questions.

We look for ID proofs, social profiles, phone number and employment records. Ours is more like a friend's living room. When you're introduced to someone, you should be sure that they are the real deal.

But like a good friend, we don't share any of this with anyone else. Nor do we publish anything personal on any social networking sites. Do we hear a sigh of relief?

Trust Score


We validate your name, gender, age, relationship status and photo from your profile. But we never publish anything on the profile or share your profile link with anyone. Promise!


We validate your designation, industry and company from your profile. We never publish anything on the profile or share your profile link with anyone.

Phone number

An automatic one time password is sent to the number you provide us with. But don't worry, your number will stay with us and not broadcasted on your profile.

Photo Id

Only government approved forms of photo IDs like, passport, driver's licence, PAN card, voter's ID and Aadhar card will be accepted. No selfies please! Your PhotoID is kept strictly confidential and only viewed by our internal team.

Selfie Verification

We ask you to take a real-time selfie upon which we do facial recognition and then we make sure that all the photos on your profile match your face. The real-time selfie that you take is not visible to anyone on your profile.

Why you should get a good Trust Score

  • For starters, only verified members can initiate communication with their matches.
  • Only verified members are visible to their matches. It's a little tease, we know, but like they say, all's fair in love and war.
  • In the bargain, the higher your Trust Score, the more we'll recommend you to our members. It's kinda like getting a VIP status and getting the early bird chance to start interacting with their members.